REALTOR® Profile
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In today’s real estate market, there’s absolutely no substitute for professional representation. I am committed to providing my clients with the expert knowledge, professionalism and personal integrity necessary to complete one of the most important financial decision you are likely to ever make. If you are looking to buy or sell or lease any type of real estate in Calgary and surrounding areas. I am here to help.Please use this website as a valuable resource to guide you through all your real estate needs, our communities, local news and relevant social content. I welcome you to contact me if you have any questions or need my expertise in selling your home, buying your dream home or in selling, buying or leasing any type of commercial or investment property.Over two decades of Calgary and Surrounding areas real estate experience, specializing in Residential, Commercial and investment properties. Over $100 millions in sales of Real estate that I have successfully completed. I am a proud father of a son. The community service is my passion. I served as Chairman, President, Chief Financial Officer and Gen. Secretary on numerous non-profitable community and charity boards. I feel that volunteering, fundraising and contributing to communities are extremely rewarding. Outside my professional work, my passions include family, community, sports and music. I appreciate your trust in me and look forward to serving you.
Additional Qualifications
Development Land
Residential Development
Residential Valuation
Residential Relocation
2nd Home
Luxury Homes
Agriculture Land
Trading Areas
Residential & Commercial